Go Down To Go Up


Has God ever given you a vision, then He “forgets,” and takes you in what seems like the full on opposite direction?

This past season has felt exactly like that.   But today I am encouraged, thinking of the great heroes of faith who have walked before us. In fact, as I think of the people who have done significant things for God, none come to mind who haven’t gone through a season of testing and preparation.

Abraham: 50+ years of waiting for the promised child.
Moses: 40 years in the desert, waiting to see the promised land.
Joseph: Years in slavery, then prison, waiting for the promise.
Israel: 400 years in slavery waiting for the promise.
Anna: Waited most of her life for the promised Messiah.

Even Jesus waited 30 years for His ministry to start, then, after His dramatic baptism experience, was led into the wilderness for 40 days of testing.

Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River.  He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where He was tempted by the devil for 40 days.  Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry. (Luke 4:1-2) 

My Beloved works in construction, and he once compared our lives to building a skyscraper.

“The higher up the blueprints go, the deeper down the foundation has to go.”  He said.  “You may feel like you are down in the pit for a loooong time before you even see sunlight.  And you are.  Because the foundation has to be strong enough to hold up the building.”

I am beginning to understand the wilderness seasons of life are not simply to be endured and “gotten through.”   They are the places we make the most crucial decisions of our time.  To stand firm in the promise, or to lose heart to despair.  To praise God in uncertainty and darkness or to grumble and complain.  To wait and listen, watching for signs of God’s promise, or to give up and chart our own path as best we can.

In horse training we talk about wet saddle blankets.  A young horse may have tons of potential and energy, but until they have travelled mile after mile, doing the mundane, the ordinary and the difficult work, you would not trust your child on their back.  They prove their character even as it is built.

If you are in the middle of taking your promised land, I am excited and rejoice for you!  If you are in the wilderness, testing your character in the absence of food and water, I resonate with you.  God  knows exactly what is needed in laying the foundation for the blueprints of our lives.

Just as the tradesmen trust the one who wrote the blueprint as they go, so we must trust the One who designed our lives to build a foundation to last the entire journey. And in the building, He is faithful to bring His promises to pass on every level.

Where are you at right now?  What is God asking you to be faithful in?

Katie Peters

Singer, Songwriter, Mother and Jesus Lover! A must visit!


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What To Do With Disappointment